Kingdom Expansion
Kingdom Place
"God aims to save people from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. But one of the great obstacles to victory is when people are swept up into social and political and militaristic conflicts that draw away their attention and time and energy and creativity from the real battle of the universe."
- John Piper
What is Kingdom Expansion?

Before answering the question, I better make my confession.  I hate evangelism.  Allow me to clarify my statement.  I hate evangelism...not for what it is...but for what we have made it.   Our brand of evangelism has hype, ego, and ambition. Now (allow me to interject  myself) the religous folk have other words to replace the ones I have chosen , but we know the truth.

What is Kingdom expansion?  It is God expanding His territory through our lives into the lives of other.  It is not necessarily sharing the favorite tract even though tract sharing has its place.  It is a matter of being salt and light.  The emphasis on being not doing.  Its expanding Kingdom territory like Jesus did:  Ministering to the sick, loving the unlovely, proclaiming liberty, basically manifesting the Kingdom into the lives of those around him.

Kingdom Expansion is my heart cry because I believe it is God's.

Servant Evangelism

Living Generously

these I will bring to my holy mountain,and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples."
Isaiah 56:7 (ESV)